South park make love not warcraft episode online
South park make love not warcraft episode online

south park make love not warcraft episode online

The Blizzard execs believe that the boys, having proven themselves to have absolutely no life after their Level Grinding marathons, are the ones spoken of in the prophecy, and so begins a race against time to get the sword to Stan's character. The Sword of a Thousand Truths was removed from the game for being too overpowered, but a prophecy (made by Salzman in Accounting) holds that one day players worthy of wielding the sword will reveal themselves.

south park make love not warcraft episode online

The Chosen One: One of the fantasy story tropes parodied in this episode.Are you French, Clyde?Ĭartman: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Clyde? Translation Will you sleep with me, Clyde? You know who those people were? The French. I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him, because I think he was awesome, but you would, right?Ĭartman: When Hitler rose to power, there were a lot of people who just stopped playing. Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: The stereotype of the French as quitters in the face of military adversity is referenced by Cartman when Clyde says he has better things to do than fight a losing battle against the Griefer:Ĭartman: Clyde! Clyde! If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?.CamelCase: Stan’s webname is Loves2Spooge.Basement-Dweller: The griefer himself is the current page image for it.While it was mentioned there's "only four races," not including Horde races, there were actually only four Alliance races in Vanilla. Played with when it comes to the number of races.

south park make love not warcraft episode online south park make love not warcraft episode online

Knowledgeable players will notice that the way they're used doesn't always make much sense (such as opening with Intimidating Shout, an area crowd control ability that breaks on damage, against a single opponent).

  • The boys, having Took a Level in Badass, start dropping names of spells, items and talents in conversation.
  • Even when a much later expansion comes with level scaling for enemies, Elwynn Forest barely goes higher than it always has. Players can kill all the low-level boars they want and it won't get them more than a handful of levels, because weak enemies stop giving experience.
  • Cartman's plan to level up sufficiently by killing millions of boars wouldn't work in the actual game.
  • Amusingly enough, about 4 years after the episode aired, the Cataclysm expansion made it possible to create a human hunter. Some of the feats he claims would also be impossible for a level 2 character. In the footage, he is "played" by a Human Warrior who uses a shield, which Hunters cannot equip. At the time, Human characters could not be the Hunter class.
  • Randy's character is claimed to be a Human Hunter.
  • In reality, players could escape the wrath of an unstoppable Griefer by starting over on a different realm server, and people already on other servers would be safe in the first place.
  • Several times characters talk about normally having to agree to Duel, but Dueling works using HP to 1 and thus can't kill anyone anyway.
  • Players on the same faction aren't able to kill each other outside of a small number of free-for-all zones.
  • South park make love not warcraft episode online Offline#

    And Blizzard need not defeat him in-game to stop him-they have the servers, just take them offline and he's powerless. The whole plot is obviously impossible in the game as there is a maximum level, and no amount of playtime or lack of a life will let you level past it.But with the boys already locked in combat against the Griefer, will Randy and the board members be able to get the sword to Stan in time for the four heroes to kill their foe and save the world * of Warcraft? The boys' activity catches Blizzard's attention, and they believe Stan might be the hero worthy to wield the Sword of a Thousand Truths, a super powerful item Dummied Out of the game in development and now stored on a 1 GB flash drive. Their marathon Level Grinding sessions lead them to become obese, acne-ridden slobs. However, Cartman tells Stan, Kyle and Kenny that, according to his calculations, if the four of them spend 21 hours a day killing boars in the Elwynn Forest at 2 XP apiece, then after nearly two months, they will have the levels they need to take on the griefer. When news reaches Blizzard, they fear that over time, every single player logged in will eventually become frustrated and stop playing altogether, potentially bringing the end of the World. Cartman tries rallying the other boys in the class to log in together and Zerg Rush the griefer, but he summons a pack of scorpions, and the boys' characters are massacred, causing most of them to lose interest in the game.

    South park make love not warcraft episode online